Character information:
- Nickname: Tame
- Class: Druid
- Race: Cow
- Gear: Talents: 27/0/34 - balance/feral/resto
- What days can you raid and what times?: I don't know yet, depends on the job I will be having after I moved to Austria.
- What experience do you have?: I've raided almost since the launch of WoW, first with a holy priest, then the last 2 years with a resto druid (on Quel'Thalas). Pre BC I have come up to the first 2 bosses in Naxxramas, after BC up to lady Vashj - that's when i stopped raiding because my guild fell apart, many months ago.
- Got ventrilo and do you talk?: Got Vent but can't speak on it - yet, because I don't live alone. About to move though, then it's np.
- Do you know any in private?: Not really, i've spoken to 2 people in it, that's about it.
Personal information:
- Irl name: Corinna
- age: 25
- location: Sweden, Skellefteċ atm but moving back to Austria, Vienna
Why you wanna join Private:
I just want a nice casual guild to play with when I feel like playing and not because someone tells me I have to. Ofc when I've signed up to a raid I will be there the whole time, but I don't want to be told I have to raid when I don't feel like it or get removed from the guild for being offline for a couple of days. Note that i'm not a hardcore raider anymore, I want to enjoy my real life now and play casually. I want to play for fun and not be stressed about it. I'm not sure if Private is looking for these kind of people.
If you have minimum attendance rules I'm not for you, I couldn't find such on the forums however.
Why you think you fit private:
I've been on this server for some time now and Private seems like a nice, low profile place to be. I haven't seen annoying spam, retard chat behaviour or rudeness from any of the members. Considering the general population in WoW that's something to be grateful for.
I don't want a kiddie guild basically. And well, like I said, I can't commit to so-and-so many raids per week but when I raid I do it good and prepared.